The production era of movie and drama opens in ‘Metaverse’
The production era of movie and drama opens in ‘Metaverse’
  • Yoo Jin, Reporter
  • 승인 2022.04.06 19:11
  • 수정 2022.04.06 10:40
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JFlex Uni – signed a MOU for Metaverse contents with OPUS Pictures', which produced ‘The Man from Nowhere ’, ‘Snowpiercer’ 


The production era of movie and dramas in Metaverse is coming up.

On the April 4th 2022, JFlex Uni (CEO Kim Hee-Woo), who is making the metaverse 'JFlex World', said that he signed an MOU with OPUS Pictures (CEO LeeTae-jeon), a movie and drama production company at the Intercontinental Hotel located in COEX, Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul to produce contents within the metaverse.

JFlex Uni is going to open the ‘JFlex World’ platform centered around entertainment, sports, and business within the metaverse through BTSChain, and was listed on MEXC, a famous global Exchange, on March 30 2022. 

Starting with Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, Lee Tae-heon, CEO of OPUS Pictures, who gained the fame, have produced the films such as 'A Frozen Flower', 'Woochi', 'The Man from Nowhere', 'Cold Eyes', 'Snowpiercer', and invested money for them. 

CEO Lee Tae-heon of OPUS Pictures (right) and CEO Kim Hee-woo of JFlexUni (left) signed an MOU for content production within the Metaverse at COEX Intercontinental Hotel in Seoul on the April 4th 2022. [Source= JFlexUni]
CEO Lee Tae-heon of OPUS Pictures (right) and CEO Kim Hee-woo of JFlex Uni (left) signed an MOU for content production within the Metaverse at COEX Intercontinental Hotel in Seoul on the April 4th 2022. [Source= JFlexUni]

Currently, OPUS Pictures plans and produces various works, including the drama version of <The Man from Nowhere>, and going to plan, produce, and market these contents through the JFlex World platform. 

CEO Lee said, “We expect that many production companies will participate in the movie and drama platform, and they can create the works with great quality in a short time while communicating and collaborating with experts required for production within the metaverse.” 

Starting with this metaverse production platform agreement, two companies are expected to make a great step on the global stage as a leader in K-movies and dramas in the era of the 4th industrial revolution, where cutting-edge IT technology and the film industry are fused.

CEO Kim Hee-woo said, "This production platform is a production method attempted in the digital world for the first time in the globe. This means that everyone can participate in the platform of his or her special field and produce a work with the audiences through the power of collective intelligence." And, he added, It is expected that all courses will be opened, thereby giving everyone an opportunity, and that this will become a gateway for new faces." 

In the meantime, JFlex Uni promotes the establishment of a 'the hall of fame' for the members of the national team, who have devoted themselves for the country, in the virtual spaces of KANTM(The Korean Association of National Team Members / President Park No-jun) and JFlex World.

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