Organon Korea’s CEO Kim So Eun, “1 Year Since Foundation Became the Basis of Our Belief”
Organon Korea’s CEO Kim So Eun, “1 Year Since Foundation Became the Basis of Our Belief”
  • Cho Pil Hyun, Staff Reporter
  • 승인 2022.05.20 09:19
  • 수정 2022.05.20 09:19
  • 댓글 0
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Organon Korea is releasing a video interview series containing the honest stories of founding executives who have been working hard in their various roles and jobs since the company’s foundation last year through its website.

This interview series consists of 6 parts, and each part will be released every week from May 18.

This series will tell the story of a single mission, 'better, healthier daily life' based on the corporate values of endless challenge, passion, sincerity, responsibility, shared growth, diversity and inclusiveness.

First, CEO Kim So Eun will talk about what she has emphasized while leading the company since its foundation and what she thinks about the leadership. She will also introduce the direction of the company, and the value of sincerity that she pursues in it.

Ms Kim said, “Employees of Organon Korea are endeavouring in their own position for the ultimate goal of making better and healthier daily life of patients. The footsteps we have made over the past year since our foundation have become the basis of our belief that we can grow further in the future.”

She added, “We will create desirable corporate culture that allows all employees to communicate with each other based on trust, and to share our mission and values, which will eventually lead to sustainable growth.”

[WIKI KOREA=Cho Pil Hyun, Staff Reporter]

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