NICO BOCO’s ‘MUH’ Full Scale Advance to the Global Market in the New Year… Expanding Exports to the Wider World Following Australia and Japan
NICO BOCO’s ‘MUH’ Full Scale Advance to the Global Market in the New Year… Expanding Exports to the Wider World Following Australia and Japan
  • Yoo Jin, Reporter
  • 승인 2023.01.16 07:58
  • 수정 2023.01.16 05:30
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Promoting global sales through Amazon, and China and Taiwan through duty-free shops and large online shopping malls

NICO BOCO 'MUH' Premium Edition.

NICO BOCO 'MUH' Premium Edition in full scale advance to the global market.NICO BOCO is starting to make a full scale advancement to the global market with ‘MUH’, men’s cosmetic products produced with patented technology using the ingredients such as extracts from cultured wild ginseng roots in the new year.

NICO BOCO, which has been exporting men's cosmetics and hair loss shampoo of the MUH brand to Australia and Japan so far, plans to enter duty-free shops and large online shopping malls in China and Taiwan, while attempting to expand their territory into the US and European markets through Amazon.

Ms. Lee Yu-Jeong, CEO of NICO BOCO, said "In the cosmetics market where large foreign brands are dominating, 'MUH' is a men's cosmetics brand that was born with pure Korean patented technology. We have been growing year after year based on the Korean consumers’ affection so far, and from the new year, we will expand to the global market in earnest.”

MUH (無, meaning ‘emptiness’) is a product born based on CEO Ms. Lee's philosophy of 'emptying and filling'. Its intended meaning is that the product empties the skin of the impurities that irritate and pollute the skin and fill the void created in the skin with natural functional ingredients to protect the skin and add vitality to the cells.

With the will to create a product that is effective in eliminating skin troubles caused by ultraviolet rays and fine dust, activating skin cells, and preventing skin aging, 5 years of tenacious research and development led to the birth of men's cosmetics 'MUH' with natural ingredients and patented technology. 

A foam cleanser made of naturally derived surfactants cleans the skin and contains 12 natural herbs that help skin care with bio water and Casciana thermal water as basic ingredients. In particular, peptides and ginsenosides extracted from microalgae and wild ginseng cultured roots with patented technology were incorporated in the product.

The company explains that this not only improves skin but also has whitening and wrinkle improvement functions at the same time. 


In fact, all of MUH brand products receive the score of zero in the hypoallergenic test. The whole products have been objectively proven to be hypoallergenic and eco-friendly, such as acquiring the EWG green grade. The EWG grade is given after evaluating the safety of cosmetic ingredients by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a non-profit environmental organization in the United States.

The scent of MUH is also considered an advantage. Usually, men's cosmetics have a very strong smell of alcohol and artificial fragrance, but in NICO BOCO products, a subtle yet sophisticated 'floral musk mint' scent was developed and incorporated. The scent is also made only of natural essential oil, which is harmless to the human body.

MUH's eco-friendly product characters are also reflected in the design. Three representative design colors of MUH, white, dark navy, and silver, have their own meaning. White has the meaning of 'emptying', dark navy 'filling' of health and healing, and silver ‘detoxification’.

Mr. Kim Sung-Kyu, manager of the company's marketing team, said, "As the trends of eco-friendly products are spreading around the world, MUH expects to gain great responses from global consumers."

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